Executive Committee    
As of Janualry 1,  2022

The Executive Committee is made up of the Chair, Treasurer and Adminstration Coordinator (this position which is automatically filled by Past Chair). 

Executive Committee positions are to be filled by elections, if necessary.  Elections will be held for these positions for 6-month terms beginning each January 1st and July 1st.

Current Executive Committee:

Tom Horsley, Chair
Tim Kelly, Past Chair
Peter Wiesner CPA, Treasurer                               

Volunteer Positions
As of January 1, 2022

Membership/Referral Coordinator   Marketing Advertising Coordinator    Special Events Coordinators
Mike Buchinski                                       Peter Wiesner CPA                                  John Exler, CFP

289.231.6694                                          905-898-3355                                          905-841-5771
mbuchinski@rogers.com                        peter@taxhome.net                                             john.exler@rbc.com

Speaker Coordinator                        Raffle/Fund Raising Coordinator            Website Administrator   
Kyle Cassidy                                         Henry Startek                                              Peter Wiesner CPA
kcassidy@cassidyyoung.com               cassidy@bellnet.ca                                     admin@ybex.ca
                                                                                                  @copyright 2022